How Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type Behaves During the Stressful Holiday Season
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
Or is it?
For all the fun and comfort the holiday season can bring, it’s also a hugely stressful time for many of us. So, how does each Myers-Briggs personality type deal with all the holiday shenanigans? Here are our best guesses!
INFP – The Burned-out Elf
The human embodiment of Santa’s little helper, the ever-thoughtful INFP will do the impossible and be there for absolutely everyone—baking, shopping, wrapping, party planning and donating to their favorite charity. All while stubbornly refusing to ask for help, even as the gingerbread cookies are burning….
ENFP – The Infectious Party People Person
The cheerful ENFP could do small talk with a wall if they wanted to. You’ll find them at the center of every gathering, entertaining even the most unimpressed of kids. These types are touchy though. You can cut the risk of emotional outbursts by making sure you tell them just how much you’re looking forward to their holiday-themed theater performance.
INFJ – The Emotional Sponge
Will get completely overwhelmed in large groups and deeply uncomfortable whenever put in the spotlight. INFJs are too polite to set boundaries with energy-draining relatives, so they’ll probably spend most of their time sitting on the couch, listening to the gruesome tale of Aunt Mary’s stomach surgery for the hundredth time.
ENFJ – The Gift Perfectionist
Obsesses over finding the perfect gift for everyone on their mile-long list. Said gift needs to be equal parts practical and meaningful, and they’re going to hit up every craft fair and market in town to find it. ENFJs would never skip a holiday-themed party, though, even if that means more gift-shopping pressure.
INTP – The ‘December’s a month like any other’
What month is it again? The reserved and logical INTP doesn’t understand all the fuss about the festive season (so superficial!). May also get into a tantrum realizing all the social gatherings they’re expected to attend.
ENTP – The Controversial Topics Starter
ENTP—the type most likely to start an intense argument about politics at the dinner table, get bored, and quietly slip out of the room leaving the others to slug it out.
INTJ – The Efficiency Master
How silly an idea is Christmas shopping? INTJs certainly think so, and will go to great efforts to explain the advantages of gift vouchers over traditional presents to justify their complete lack of enthusiasm, only to get frustrated by their family’s overly emotional responses, of course. Later, they’ll win every board game they decide to play, giving no concessions to the children. Cue, tantrums.
ENTJ –The Spreadsheet Boss
Spends the first week of December examining the success rate of last year’s gifts, so they can surpass it. This leads to massive overthinking on the gift-buying front and a sense of bafflement when someone tries to take over their plans, or, you know, suggests something that’s not on the ENTJ’s color-coded spreadsheet.
ISTP – The One Who Mysteriously Disappears
For the ISTP, celebration rhymes with exhaustion. When forced to socialize, or attend large holiday gatherings, they will quickly and mysteriously disappear. Can probably be found playing video games in the basement.
ESTP – The Big Spender
Spends a ridiculous amount of money buying extravagant presents, and won’t even think about the credit card bill until January. Completely allergic to emotional family drama (though an ESTP may create some just to spice things up). Will be honking frantically when stuck in a traffic jam on the way to Grandma’s house.
ISFP –The Crafty Knitter
Spends hours creating holiday mood boards and gets anxious once they realize they haven’t bought any gifts yet. Ends up knitting adorable last-minute pairs of socks. Your ISFP won’t talk to you for the rest of the year if you don’t properly recognize the beauty of this gift.
ESFP – The Life of the Party
For ESFPs, the best part of the holidays is choosing glam outfit after glam outfit for every party they’re invited to (which is a lot). Complete with reindeer headbands and lots of glitter. Freaks out when asked to handle the logistical plans of the next holiday family vacation. Will crack a ton of inappropriate jokes to divert your attention.
ISTJ – The Ghost of Christmas Past
The type most likely to get things done. The busy-bee ISTJ will spend a lot of time trying to recreate the memories of happy Christmases past. Internally screams into a pillow when someone doesn’t follow the rules they established for this year’s Secret Santa.
ESTJ –The ‘You’re Doing it Wrong’
Also tries to recreate the perfect image of Christmas, and won’t refrain from pointing out how you’re cooking, napkin folding, or present wrapping ‘the wrong way’. Puzzled when someone acts against their well-intended unsolicited advice. ESTJs start the month of December feeling slightly stressed over how much there is to do -- and how much money they’re spending.
ISFJ – The Baking Veteran
The human embodiment of a warm fireplace on a cold night, the ISFJ will stress themselves out trying to make sure their loved ones are happy, and avoiding any conversation that’s remotely upsetting. Will take a lot of time to bake and decorate the house.
ESFJ – The Party Planner
Available (and delighted) to host your holiday-themed party, considering they finished gift shopping somewhere around September. Horrified if someone shows up undressed for a fancy gathering. Your ESFJ adores Christmas. Even the part where they have to scold Grandpa for getting drunk on eggnog and falling asleep during the family movie.