Massive changes are on the horizon, and from climate to politics and from the economy to public health, the next twelve months promise to be dramatic ones. Change can feel daunting, but it can also herald a brave new world full of opportunities that never existed before. 

You are wise enough to know that the only thing you can control completely is your internal world, and the good news is that if you manage that well, 2023 could prove to be your best year yet. Each Enneagram type has unique superpowers, and this is the year to leverage them to the hilt. Below we give you a guide to making 2023 your best year yet, based on your Enneagram type.

Type 1: Perfectionist

Do: Find purpose in your daily life.

You are happiest when you are dedicating your time to things that align with your passions and values. Make 2023 shine by getting involved in projects that speak to your heart. Your superpowers include your excellent problem-solving skills and your eye for efficiency, so it goes without saying you’re a valuable asset to any team. Find that thing that gets you excited and leaves you energized. Make it a bigger part of your day. This is your path, and this is the year to go the distance.

Don’t: Overplan, over-schedule or try to control all the various aspects of your life. 

You do best when you relax a bit and let things unfold. You can’t see opportunities with your focus too narrow, and you can’t feel your full emotional spectrum if you are controlling all the practical details. If you’ve already got 2023 all planned out, you aren’t doing it right. Create some space for the unexpected.

Read: How to Be an Imperfectionist: The New Way to Self-Acceptance, Fearless Living, and Freedom from Perfectionism by Stephen Guise. 

Affirmation: “I would rather be happy than right.”

Type 2: Giver

Do: Level up your relationships. 

2023 is all about focusing on your strengths, and one of yours is the fact you are well-liked and have a wide circle of friends who would love to hear from you. Let this be the year you spend time with people who are your equals and not just people who you want to help. Find friends who don’t need anything from you and reach out to them just to say hi.

Don’t: Continue your habit of checking your phone and email first thing in the morning or right before you go to bed. The world will keep spinning without your response, and you deserve a relaxing night and an unrushed morning.

Read: Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Glover Tawwab.

Affirmation: “It’s not my job to fix others.”

Type 3: Achiever

Do: Connect from your heart.

You are a goal-setting machine, and your superpowers include winning and achieving. To make 2023 the most memorable year yet, set goals around your emotional world and connection with others. Find ways to slow down and feel the full spectrum of emotions more fully. Come up with creative ways to express your feelings to others. Reward yourself for being still.

Don’t: Give into the feeling that slowing down feels like dying. 

You are at your most loving when you slow down and let your emotions rise. Schedule lots of downtime this year, so you have time to just be.

Read: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma.

Affirmation: “I am making the conscious choice to slow down.”

Type 4: Individualist

Do: Focus your energy on one creative endeavor.

Creativity and emotional intensity are some of your superpowers, but you can get overwhelmed by your ever-changing moods. To make 2023 memorable, develop a laser focus on just one creative endeavor and make it your ongoing priority. You’ve got something to share with the world. Let this be the year it manifests.

Don’t: Believe your internal narrative that something is always missing. 

You know that your habit of attention goes to what you don’t have and that longing can be a central part of your experience.  Temper that this year by reminding yourself of what you do have and what you are grateful for.

Read: How to Stop Feeling like Sh*t by Andrea Owen.

Affirmation: “I am inspiring others and impacting lives.”

Type 5: Investigator

Do: Share your knowledge. 

Let 2023 be the year you publish that paper, create that YouTube channel, start a blog, or find whatever medium is most suitable to share your knowledge with the world. Your superpower is your ability to focus and dive deeply into a topic. Chances are you are more of an expert than you realize, and you might be surprised to learn how fulfilling it can be to share your knowledge with others.

Don’t: Hide. 

Keeping the world at arm’s length comes as second nature to you, and we know putting yourself out there can feel uncomfortable, but this is the year to come out of hiding. All that knowledge you’ve gained isn’t ultimately useful if you keep it to yourself. You’ve got a lot to share, and the world needs it this year.

Read: The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz.

Affirmation: “I share abundantly.”

Type 6: Loyalist

Do: Conquer your anxiety.

This is the year to win the battle with your anxious thoughts. One of your superpowers is that you can foresee dangerous events and threats to your security. But too much of a good thing is bad, and your anxious focus on the future is making you suffer. Spend some time developing mindfulness practices to keep you firmly based in the present moment. It’s ok to plan for the future, but we’d like you to rejoin us in the present moment more often.

Don’t: Stay in your comfort zone all year.

You have places you like to go and things you like to do but this year, mix it up a bit. Try a new restaurant or pick a new vacation spot. You gain more than you realize when you go outside your comfort zone.

Read: When Panic Attacks by David D. Burns.

Affirmation: “I am safe.”

Type 7: Enthusiast 

Do: Commit to a support or self-improvement group.

Commitment isn’t the easiest thing for you, and staying with negative emotions isn’t your forte either, but you grow so much when you do both. Your superpower is your positive thinking and the way you find something good in the most dire of situations, so you’re likely to be a welcome addition to whatever group you choose. Find something that fits your situation and commit for one full year.

Don’t: Start any new projects. 

Yes, you read that right. Let 2023 be the year you complete all the projects you started in 2022, and you get better at all the hobbies you’ve already begun. You tried lots of new things in 2022. Let this be the year you focus.

Read: The Power of  Now by Eckhart Tolle.

Affirmation: “I have everything I need to be happy in this present moment.”

Type 8: Challenger

Do: Benefit others.

You shine in the role of leader, and decisiveness, resourcefulness, and expansive thinking come naturally to you. Use these gifts to make the world a better place by benefiting others this year. You have a soft spot for the underdog, so don’t be surprised if your focus goes to the underprivileged, the disenfranchised or those who just need a little boost to step into their power.  Maybe you want to volunteer at an existing organization or even start one of your own. You’ve got plenty of will power and determination-let’s see you use it magnanimously in 2023.

Don’t: Ignore the emotional world. 

It’s easy for you to disregard the emotional world and focus on the material plane, but the truth is emotions are at the base of the human experience. The quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships, so try to share a little more of your feelings and create space so others can share theirs too.  

Read: Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown.

Affirmation: “Vulnerability is a strength.”

Type 9: Peacemaker

Do: Go to the front of the line.

You are famous for putting other people’s priorities ahead of your own, and it can be surprising how quickly you lose touch with your goals. Let 2023 be the year you recognize that you are important, too. Remind yourself of your priorities every single day, and don’t be afraid to put your needs first. You have it in you to be the most powerful type in the Enneagram, and if you stay focused on yourself, this could be your best year ever.

Don’t: Waste time. 

It isn’t hard for you to fill your time, but you have a tendency to focus on unimportant tasks. Sloth runs deep, and you can fall prey to long television sessions and Netflix binges. Bring a new level of mindfulness to how you spend your time. Limit your television and screen time and spend more time moving your body. And don’t forget to review your priorities every single day.

Read: Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins.

Affirmation: “I am assertive.”

2023 is going to be a year of change, and if you follow the guide above, in all likelihood you’ll look back at this time next year and think “I nailed it!”

Lynn Roulo
Lynn Roulo is an Enneagram instructor and Kundalini Yoga teacher who teaches a unique combination of the two systems, combining the physical benefits of Kundalini Yoga with the psychological growth tools of the Enneagram. She has written two books combining the two systems. Headstart for Happiness, her first book is an introduction to the systems. The Nine Keys, her second book, focuses on the two systems in intimate relationships. Learn more about Lynn and her work here at