How to Manage Your Money This Year, Based on Your Personality Type
Money isn’t really about money at all. It’s about how you feel about it, or what money means to you. How you value money will determine how you spend money, save money, and get the most out of your paycheck.
Consider these questions:
- What motivates you?
- Why do you spend money?
- Why do you save money (if you do)?
- What does money mean to you?
Not surprisingly, your Myers and Briggs personality type plays a big role in your money style, just like it does in other areas of your life. You can use it to get some key insights into how your personality affects your relationship with money.
What Your Personality Means for Your Money
In the Myers and Briggs system, the 16 personalities can be broken into four overarching personality categories called temperaments. The four temperaments are Responders (Sensor-Perceivers), Preservers (Sensor-Judgers), Theorists (Intuitive-Thinkers) and Empaths (Intuitive-Feelers).
Below you can learn more below about each temperament category and their typical money habits. See which “money attitude” and “scenario” fits you best. Then take a look at some of the practical tips included with each temperament so you can start improving your financial habits today!
Responders: The “Spenders”
Responders (ESFP, ESTP, ISFP, ISTP) are optimistic, freewheeling, devil-may-care types. This attitude translates to their money style.
Money Attitude
As a Responder, you love spending money spontaneously and you probably allocate a good chunk of your wages to having fun. Responders often make and spend money easily, and may be less focused on saving or investing for the future. Instead, you like to enjoy the moment—even if it involves blowing all your spare cash!
The Scenario
Love those Jimmy Choos, but pay day is still a couple of weeks away? No problem! You’ll just put them on your credit card. They would look fantastic with that new outfit you bought over the weekend. You can’t wait to wear this ensemble to the party you’re going to on Saturday. You’ll start saving money next month … maybe.
What to Do? Make It Automatic
If you identify with this money type, find ways to manage your money with minimal involvement. For example, you could set up an automatic deposit from your paycheck to a savings or investment account to be sure you set aside something for a rainy day.
The same is true for paying bills. Set up automatic bill pay so you can be sure your bills are paid each month. Or try an app that tracks your spending for you, and tells you when you might be overspending on things you don't need (like that unused gym membership or subscription box). This way, you can continue to enjoy life's little luxuries without going overboard.
Preservers: The “Savers”
Preservers (ESFJ, ESTJ, ISFJ, ISTJ) have a strong sense of duty and responsibility. Their caution carries over into their highly risk-averse money attitude.
Money Attitude
As a Preserver, you have a powerful need for safety and security. You are careful and cautious and believe in following the rules. Because of your need to feel safe, you tend to be an excellent saver and typically are more frugal than other types when it comes to spending. You are the type most likely to have a rainy-day fund and to make conservative, low-risk investments that compound slowly over time.
The Scenario
You have driven the same car for a decade that you bought after careful research and paid off in two years. You take your lunch to work every day and only go out for dinner when you're celebrating (or you have a coupon). Most of your portfolio is invested in your money market account, bonds and retirement savings, and you always have enough put away to meet those important financial milestones, like a wedding or putting the kids through college.
What to Do? Live a Little!
Saving money is not a problem for Preservers. On the contrary, your biggest challenge may be letting loose now and then and spending money on some well-deserved fun and entertainment! If this resonates with you, consider setting aside a portion of your wages for dinners, outings, travel and other activities that bring you joy. Budget some cash to enjoy life—you earned it!
Empaths: The “Givers”
Empaths (ENFJ, ENFP, INFJ, INFP) are heart-centered. They value stability and harmony in relationships and are quick to champion the people and causes they believe in. These types like to do with their cash what they like to do with their time—give.
Money Attitude
Empaths are compassionate by nature and are driven to find meaning in their lives. As such, you are more likely to donate your money to help the downtrodden than spend it on yourself. You may even view money as “evil” or at least “not important,” which means you may struggle to save money and build investments.
The Scenario
You love that your job at the local nonprofit benefits the community. On Saturdays, you volunteer at the local animal shelter. You want to change the world yet paying the bills and having any money left to save can sometimes be a challenge because money, in and of itself, doesn’t really feature on your list of priorities in life. You feel “icky” even thinking about it.
What to Do? Align Your Money with Your Values
If you’re an Empath, it’s important to learn that money is not inherently bad or evil. And it can be used for good. This can help you feel more comfortable both earning more money and investing it. Investing in socially responsible funds could be a good way for you to build wealth in a way that also aligns with your philanthropic inclinations.
Theorists: The “Visionaries”
Theorists (ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, INTP) value willpower, innovation and autonomy. They are likely to have a career that involves abstract problem-solving, invention and planning for the future. And guess what? This same rational future-focus follows through into their spending habits.
Money Attitude
To a Theorist, money is a tool. You aren’t necessarily focused on saving or spending and, instead, will use money to support your projects and life goals. You find it hard to part with your cash unless you see a practical use behind the investment. It’s not frugal as such, more...rational. Wealth accumulation occurs along the way.
The Scenario
You pay the bills on time and allocate what’s left over in a strategic way to maximize your credit score. You don’t buy cheap (because it doesn’t last) but you’re not swayed by brands either unless they’re clearly superior. Instant gratification isn’t really a thing for you, and you may accumulate a decent savings pot to use on your personal vision. If there’s no obvious use for it, you probably won’t spend it.
What to Do? Don’t Be Blindsided
If you’re a Theorist, you don’t necessarily fret over saving and investing because you focus on creating the future you want. However, your high self-confidence in your investments may create blind spots. It's helpful for you to have a back-up plan, perhaps by making some conservative investments as well as riskier ones. In other words, be sure to diversify your investments.
The Takeaway
In general, we can all benefit from making sure we know our monthly expenses and set aside savings for a rainy day or major purchases. Some of us may find this easier than others. Learning more about your personality can help you see your money blind spots and put strategies in place to boost your financial health as well as your quality of life.