Texting is a huge part of our world now and how you compose your messages, tweets, emails and other forms of online communication can reveal a lot about your personality. Do you deliberately text in lowercase? Are emojis always a part of your messages? Maybe you use periods after each sentence? Personally, I’m a fan of correct punctuation and direct, slightly formal communication. But hey, I’m an INTJ personality type, and I’m certain that at least some of my more extraverted friends find this annoying (certain because a close ESFJ friend actually told me so). 

But what about you? Do you find that your personality type aligns with your texting style?

16 Personality Types and Their Texting Habits

There are many lenses through which you can look at the 16 personality types under the Briggs and Myers system. The test is used in various business settings including team-building sessions, leadership development, conflict management and more, as well as education like vocational counseling. But personality testing can also come in handy in various everyday situations and problems, including relationships, both real-life and virtual kinds.

Texting is a perfect example of this – whether you want to or not, your personality type is flowing into your communication habits and helping shape them. In fact, it’s safe to say that each  personality type has its own texting style. But before you start judging new people in your life based on how they compose their tweets and messages, take a look at how different personality types like to express themselves.

First, let’s quickly cover the four key dimensions for categorizing people:

  • Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I)
  • Sensing (S) or Intuition (N)
  • Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)
  • Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

E vs I: because Extraverts (E) like to get their energy from other people, activities and events, it’s clear they like to text often. Introverts (I), who get their energy from their ideas, memories and reactions – in other words, from themselves – typically do not feel the need to text that frequently.

S vs N: Sensors (S) are realists who pay attention to the physical reality first and foremost, so when texting or emailing they usually don’t beat around the bush – they’re direct and to the point. Intuitives’ (N) messages, on the other hand, can often have multiple interpretations and hidden meanings.

T vs F: Thinkers (T) are logical and analytical, so you can expect their messages to be clear and straightforward, regardless of whom they’re texting. Feelers (F), who base decisions on personal values and empathy, are great communicators and also what I’d call “code-switchers” – they switch their texting style depending on who they’re talking to.

J vs P: Judgers (J) are planners who like rules and structure, and their texting habits will reflect this. Their messages will be not only clear but also detailed. Perceivers (P) are spontaneous and flexible so they’re more likely to text in a relaxed, and dare I say more fun manner.

For those of you who wish to get a better sense of a person you’re texting and whether they might be a good match for you, this personality type cheat sheet may help.


Practical, realistic and responsible, the ISTJ texts frequently and responds promptly. Their messages are well-structured and detailed, usually with proper grammar and punctuation. Yes, they’re the type to end every sentence with a period, even if you think it’s rude. While they don’t hate emojis, they’ll use them only occasionally and selectively.


Friendly, conscientious and responsible, ISFJs, especially the millennial generation love to text. Great listeners that they are, ISFJs will often refer to something you said in your previous text, hoping to establish a real connection. Many double-check everything before sending, so their messages are likely to be typo-free. 


This type seeks meaning and connection in relationships and ideas, so they are natural at all types of communication. Their messages are typically full of question marks as they love asking questions. They're also thoughtful and supportive so will often use emojis to make the other person feel more relaxed.


Independent, practical and analytical, this type of personality is likely to keep their messages short and direct. While many people may find them a little too short and even formal bordering on rude, they’re usually just a reflection of INTJ’s efficiency. Proper grammar and punctuation is a must, even when talking to friends. Emojis – what is that?


Flexible, tolerant and straightforward, the ISTP’s texting style is friendly and accommodating. In fact, if you have a problem you could use help solving, it’s the ISTP who you should text – they’ll be more than happy to offer you a solution.


Friendly, sensitive and thoughtful, this personality type carefully words their messages and often takes time to reply, especially if the topic is sensitive. Because they find it easy to tune into what the other person is texting, they like to use emojis that best emphasize their message.


Curious, idealistic and flexible, the INFPs tend to write lengthy messages, ones that reveal their personalities and core values. There’s no more empathetic personality type than the INFP, and their texting habits will reveal this: they will ask various personal and deep questions, give advice when asked to,and readily show emotions through text.


Analytical, theoretical and contained, the INTP type hates redundancy so their messages will never be long and complex; instead, they’ll be short and to the point. A typical INTP does not appreciate superfluous words or unnecessary emojis, but may use the latter one ironically.


Spontaneous, active and straightforward, the ESTP’s texting style is fun and often unpredictable. They feed on thrills and risks so don’t expect proper grammar and punctuation here – protocols are boring to the ESTPs anyway. They are likely to text in lowercase and use all kinds of emojis.


The ESFP is a party-loving personality type, that’s also very friendly and quite funny. Naturally, their texting style will reveal their spontaneous personality, so you can expect a lot of slang, lots of emojis and quite a few grammar mistakes (often by choice). They’re not afraid to text two, three even four times in a row.


Imaginative, flexible and friendly, this personality type typically likes texting and is not afraid to show it. Thanks to their brilliant imagination, they’re often what I like to call “language influencers”, meaning coiners of new phrases and slang words.


Quick, clever, logical and stimulating, you can always count on the ENTP to text you something interesting. However, they can also be argumentative, especially if you’re ambiguous in your replies. Emoji use is limited, of course.


Practical, orderly and realistic, the ESTJ is a lover of proper punctuation and grammar. It’s next to impossible to see an ESTJ use slang in their messages, and even emojis are not particularly welcome!


Conscientious, friendly and cooperative, the ESFJ is the first to remember and congratulate you on your birthday or anniversary. They are true people-pleasers and their texting habits will reflect that: prompt texting, with plenty of empathetic comments and questions, as well as lots of emojis.


The ENFJ is one of the rare types that can easily read between the lines. It’s no wonder why – they’re empathetic, charismatic and friendly and can understand nuance better than anyone, even in text messages. To make the other person feel more comfortable, they will often use different emojis.


Direct, decisive and logical, the ENTJ can often be forceful in presenting their opinions and their messages are bound to reflect that. However, they’re also very respectful of social manners, including texting etiquette – they respond promptly and clearly. Of course, correct grammar and proper punctuation are a must, while emojis are rarely used, if ever.

Jennifer Houghton