I have been seeking understanding of myself, especially since my divorce at 40 yrs old. I was married with child at 18yrs and right out of high school. I was blessed with another baby 12 months later. I was a”domestic engineer” for a
25 yr. career! I became a mom of 5 kids and didn’t have much time to continue my self exploration. Then I joined Girl Scouts and became much more independent and realized
some of my many skills
and drastically increased
my self confidence!! I am still seeking all I can about myself, and every one in
my life. I took a adult education program, learned so much about myself. Then I studied
Astrology (after I became
agnostic) , this also gave me
much insight about all people.
Your program is the most insightful, informative and
“right on “ program I have
read in years. I’m wondering
if there are classes to help
further my understanding, possibly on line, of the many different concepts or is there a work book to
continue understanding the important info in your program.
I know this is quite long
winded, I hope it qualifies
my review as ligament and truthful.
I am recommending this test to all my family and friends ?????
Sincerely, Sandy