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Looking for the best Enneagram test? Truity's Enneagram personality test is the highest rated Enneagram test available online, with an average customer rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. Truity's Enneagram test meets the highest standards for accuracy, with over 10,000,000 users contributing to our dataset and an extensive history of research into reliability and validity. You can read more in our Enneagram Technical Documentation.

Read what our customers had to say about their experience!


November 14, 2022 - 10:26am
by Stephanie
This is so insightful and helpful!
November 14, 2022 - 9:07am
by Shea
Excellent test and really nailed who I am. What was it unique was how it shared best practices on overcoming challenges
November 14, 2022 - 8:49am
by Makenzie Williams
Wow. All I can say is at first is wow. I came into this hoping I wasn't tricked out of $19 (used a coupon code) and as I read through I had moments where I wanted to cry and I had moments where I audibly gasped because I felt like I had gotten confirmation about who I am and what i'm here to do. This 19 page book is so worth it and I've made my mom, dad and sister purchase it as well after taking the test because of how in depth it is. This is absolutely amazing and I feel like I can slow down and be more present instead of worrying about who I am. I don't feel as scared about the future. This ad was not influenced in any way and I'm a real person! I'm a 20 year old from Las Vegas who is now 20x more confident and secured in who I am.
November 14, 2022 - 1:01am
by claire park
it was so helpful and I found comfort in understanding my tendencies and processed
November 13, 2022 - 9:44pm
by Deb
I love the Enneagram. I found this particular test more accurate than some other Enneagram tests. The full Enneagram report is a no brainer for me as you find your super powers (your strengths) and your blind spots (the things that hold us back from our true potential). I highly recommend the full report if learning about yourself is important to you. :)
November 13, 2022 - 5:08pm
by Sharon
A good test, very true to my personality. Insightful with good tips for growth
November 13, 2022 - 5:06pm
by Kaybeeworld
A friend recommended the Enneagram to me, and I must say I'm well impressed with the accuracy of the results of the test. For once I feel that taking a personality quiz doesn't just tell me theoretical generalities about myself that I can do nothing with! Thank you so much Iris and Truity :)!
November 13, 2022 - 4:32pm
by Lynell
This report was detailed and helped cleared up questions about enneagram and helped connect dots for me.
November 13, 2022 - 1:05pm
by TWis
This was an easy exercise and added to prior personality type surveys I have taken. While those were more professionally focused in nature, I liked this one because it is more about who I am as a person at my core. The results were quite accurate and did not surprise me! I am looking forward to digging in deeper to the results!
November 13, 2022 - 11:39am
by Tina
I recently started therapy after life long trauma and turmoil. My therapist asked me to take this test and the results, in part, were incredibly revealing to me. I know I'm the giver, but the additional depth of the report is going to be very helpful in me making the changes I need to make from survival mode to thriving. I'm grateful this test exists.

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