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Looking for the best Enneagram test? Truity's Enneagram personality test is the highest rated Enneagram test available online, with an average customer rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. Truity's Enneagram test meets the highest standards for accuracy, with over 10,000,000 users contributing to our dataset and an extensive history of research into reliability and validity. You can read more in our Enneagram Technical Documentation.

Read what our customers had to say about their experience!


November 20, 2022 - 9:24am
by J
Accurate and helpful
November 20, 2022 - 4:56am
by Sheila
The test is very enlightening, and spot on. While it confirmed some of what I already suspected, it opened my eyes to so much more. A better understanding of ourselves, though not a easy task to undertake, it is what is necessary to become the person we are meant to be.
November 20, 2022 - 4:43am
by Glenn Wallace
As an aspiring creative and married person I have found myself reflecting on my behaviours with the aim of understanding what I can bring of myself to my creative practice and my relationship to deepen and enhance them both. After completing the questions the Truity Enneagram personality type report provides an injection of reflection based on the nine types to guide much deeper reflection and greater personal growth.
November 19, 2022 - 8:35pm
by Kimberly
This test was extremely insightful for me. I am definitely going to absorb, mull it over and decide how to incorporate the suggestions given to me. I believe if a person answers the questions with honesty that an excellent analysis will be the result. I plan to work on my origin point specifically since I am an 8-5-? ( I suddenly am unable to recall my 3rd number). My origin point is 2. I already am extremely strong in my growth point, 5.
Enlightening assessment which will serve me well moving forward in life!
November 19, 2022 - 3:39pm
by Erika
I am studying the Enneagram as part of my master's thesis as it results in receptivity to different leadership styles and change management approaches. The test on Truity is more clear and seemingly more objective than many others. The full report covers areas in depth and with insight. I feel very 'seen' with these results and will be able to utilize this in my relationships, in improving myself, and in my research.
November 19, 2022 - 12:18pm
by Al Johnson
This was easier than I thought and for that I think it is good. We should do more to understand who we are and why we behave and react in certain circumstances. This was a good experience.

The report appears to be detailed. I want to share it with my wife so that I can get her assessment of the results.
November 19, 2022 - 9:53am
by Meg
The Enneagram report allowed me to really reflect on my weaknesses and strengths. Yes, there is more to you than a number or a general overview of a personality type. However, I feel like the Enneagram captured my deep sense of self. It allowed me to start that journey of self-acceptance.
November 19, 2022 - 7:12am
by Christina
It was ok. I expected a bit more for the price but it was accurate enough.
November 19, 2022 - 6:33am
by Melody
This was an easy and accurate way to confirm some things and take note of where things can go off track.
November 19, 2022 - 5:51am
by Thalia
Very insightful.

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