The two of you share a strong belief in the importance of logic and reason. Both of you tend to feel that the pursuit of truth and justice is the highest possible goal. You both tend to value factual, empirical ways of understanding things, and may share a love of science or mathematics. You appreciate the value of fairness, admire intelligence, and seek competence. As Rational types, you both appreciate people who are open-minded and willing to consider things from all angles, and you value a free exchange of ideas. You will find that you connect easily in places where intellectual discussion is encouraged.
Although you and your counterpart have a similar way of understanding things, it would be a mistake to assume that you’ll agree on important matters. You each tend to trust your own reasoning and believe in your ability to come to a correct conclusion. If your conclusions are wildly different, you may find yourself having a heated debate.
If you find yourself in conflict over what you believe, most of the time, this will make for a stimulating discussion as you hash out the pros and cons of your respective positions. Neither of you tend to get your feelings hurt when one of your beliefs is challenged, so you'll find that any differences in personal values can usually be addressed with a respectful "agree-to-disagree" approach.
That said, you both have a tendency to be a bit intellectually exhausting, with your steadfast devotion to logical analysis. A relationship between two people such as yourselves lacks a bit of balance, because neither of you is likely to call attention to feelings or emotions. At your worst together, you're all head, and no heart. Building trust and intimacy in this pairing can be difficult, as you tend to challenge each other more often than you comfort each other. In times of conflict, neither of you is likely to give in just for the sake of keeping the peace. If this relationship is important to you, remember that you'll have to work together on creating balance in the things you value. It's wonderful to be with someone who can challenge you intellectually, but to create a deep bond, you will also need to achieve trust, compassion, empathy, and cooperation. Although these may not be goals you'd naturally prioritize, recognizing their importance will be key to making your relationship a success.