The two of you are life’s natural ‘fixers’ and you share a strong belief in the importance of pragmatism and logic. Both of you tend to feel that getting things done and honoring your commitments is the highest possible goal. You both value look for the practical solution to problems, embrace responsibility, and seek to be competent in all things. You will find that you connect easily when it comes to sticking up for what is right.
Although you and your counterpart have a similar way of understanding things, it would be a mistake to assume that you’ll agree on all important matters. You each tend to trust your own experience of the world and believe that what has worked in the past will lead you to a correct conclusion. If your experiences are wildly different, or you are each loyal to competing traditions, then you may find yourself having a heated debate.
If you find yourself in conflict over what you believe, most of the time, you will each retreat into a logical and objective process of decision-making. While neither of you tend to get especially hurt when one of your beliefs is challenged, you do tend to have a blind spot in considering your personal values and emotional needs. A relationship between two people such as yourselves tends to be very level-headed because neither of you is likely to call attention to feelings. But it sacrifices subtlety and emotional tact. At your worst together, you're all head, and no heart.
That said, you both value honesty and straightforwardness. You’re likely to be clear with each other about who you are and what your ideals are from the start, and to stick to these value systems over the long term. Building trust in this pairing is often very easy, as you appreciate loyalty and will stick with what is ‘right.’ There may not always be fireworks, but you are likely to feel an easy rapport and have plenty of things in common.
As time passes, it can be challenging for two people of this type to move their relationships to a deeper level. To create a deep bond, you also need to achieve compassion, empathy, intimacy and cooperation. Although these may not be goals you'd naturally prioritize, recognizing their importance will be key to making your relationship a success.