This was very interesting. I took the test in part because I’ve seen new people at work introduce themselves with their type and I was curious, and in part because I’ve been feeling out of sorts at work and want to understand myself better. As it turns out, my type lends itself to someone who wants to know the Why behind things and curiosity. At a glance I was surprised that it pegged me as an extrovert, but with the full report I was able to see the details of the 6 facets. As it turns out, my extrovert/introvert total score was 50/50, 3 facets lean heavily towards one, 3 lean heavily towards the other, all were spot on. The report explains that I am a blend and may use both styles somewhat equally or prefer one over the other depending on the situation.
All in all, the report details really helped me understand some of the frustrations I’ve been having at work. This past week I’ve been doing tedious, mind numbing work because a colleague who couldn’t keep up couldn’t keep up didn’t get her work done. The report hits on both of these, my dislike for detail oriented work and a few of my styles which hit on my lack of patience for people who cant keep up.
I plan to highlight some of the assessments and keep them at my desk as a reminder to myself to take a step back when I feel my frustration building.