I have been on a self discovery journey since my earliest memory from childhood. It's a quest that I've always felt "chose" me, and not the other way around. I've stumbled upon many gems along the way, and in each phase in my discovery process, I'm usually guided to exactly what I need. I was recently applying for a new position in my field of work, and the HR Manager stated to me that I don't have the right "personality" for this position. I had not encountered this statement before in my life. So of course, I began exploring what exactly the HR departments are referring to when saying "personality". I quickly found this site (www.truity.com), and the abundant information regarding the 16 personality types. I became intrigued, even though in my 20's I had several colleagues speaking highly of this knowledge, at that time I was gaining a lot from Eastern Psychology studies, yoga, meditation etc. I'm currently pursuing a career shift, and in this process, have been chiseling away at "who i think i am" to "who I am living this life". Surrendering to Life as it teaches me about myself has been the most satisfying feeling; and trust me some of the lessons where rough and tough. I've know from outside sources, from other's observing me and sometimes projecting upon me, the positive qualities they see in me that could be applied in my career. That just never allowed me to truly see myself. This test I just took, the questions that were asked, and their interpretations, were so empowering and non- persuasive. I'm truly discovering myself in a new light, and being allowed to be a mix of some qualities, and not just a straight-forward particular type. Though I scored highest as The Healer, I also have a high score of The Counselor. Thank you for providing me the opportunity to discover new traits about myself and to apply them in just the right environment so I can be my authentic self, and empower other's to do the same. It's worth every penny.