7 Things That Are More Important to Feel Than ‘Happy’
People spend a lot of time seeking happiness and for good reason. Everyday, we see downcast faces around us, representing a world where people are unhappy with their careers, relationships and lives in general. There seems to be a huge deficit of happiness, and everyone is constantly chasing it—often at the expense of other feelings that could be even more satisfying, if only we let ourselves feel them.
Happiness is a wonderful emotion, but it's not the be-all and end-all of our emotional spectrum. The following states of mind are not only more permanent than fleeting happiness, but might also fire you up to strive for more meaningful goals in life.
1. Gratitude
Gratitude goes a step beyond happiness and acknowledges the contributions that others have made to your success and feelings of well-being. It's a powerful feeling that connects us to others and reminds us of our own blessings.
Cultivating gratitude can shift your focus from your own sense of entitlement—what you think you need to be happy—towards a recognition of what you already have and the people in your life who are responsible for it.
Which personality types can benefit?
ESTPs, ESTJs, and ENTJs tend to be demanding of others and themselves, and impatient for results. Gratitude can help them develop a healthier perspective and recognize the value of those around them.
2. Inspiration
Whether it comes in a flash of brilliance or as a result of blood, sweat, and tears, inspiration is what ignites our passions and fuels our creativity. It's a realization that just about anything is possible, and that any changes you’d like to make in yourself or in the world are within your grasp.
Feeling truly inspired will help you break out of a funk far more effectively than chasing happiness, which often blows away like tumbleweed when the winds of change take hold.
Which personality types can benefit?
Finding authentic inspiration increases focus and helps people who are prone to boredom follow through on their best intentions. ISTPs, ENTPs, ENFPs and INTPs, can increase their productivity substantially when they discover a source of inspiration.
3. Serenity
Existing in a state of peace and serenity means you avoid the emotional highs and lows that drain you of energy. Instead of being sucked into the office drama or your friend's relationship problems, you can choose to remain calm and detached.
This emotional balance is a powerful tool in helping you cope with life's challenges, as well as being a steadying influence on others when they are in turmoil.
Which personality types can benefit?
Striving for serenity can prevent those who tend to be inflexible or firm in their own opinions from becoming triggered by the behavior, irrationality or eccentricity of others. ISTJs, ISFJs and ESTJs can particularly benefit from staying calm and centered in stressful situations—in fact, this is a necessary precursor for these types to find happiness.
4. Comfortable in your own skin
Feeling comfortable in your own skin means accepting who you are without regrets, reservations or feelings of inferiority. It’s about being comfortable enough with yourself to say 'no' when you're not happy with something, and setting boundaries without apology.
When you’ve truly accepted yourself in this way, it will manifest as a quiet confidence in yourself and your abilities. You’ll be happy with your choices and secure in your identity, and you won’t feel guilt or shame about anything.
Which personality types can benefit?
Anyone who is overly sensitive to criticism and are too quick to prioritize the needs of others over their own can benefit from practicing self-acceptance. The list here is long, and includes INFPs, ENFPs, ENFJs, ESFJs, ISFJs, INFJs, and ISFPs.
5. Validated
While it's important to love yourself and have a healthy self-image, almost everyone needs some validation from others. Is there someone in your life who notices all the things you do for them, and acknowledges your contribution with a simple 'thank you'? That's the key to validation, being recognized and appreciated by others.
When we feel validated, it boosts our self-esteem and makes us feel good about ourselves. We are reminded that we matter and that our efforts are seen and valued.
Which personality types can benefit?
ESFJs, ESFPs, ENFJs and INFJs appreciate being recognized and acknowledged for their good deeds and successes. Validation helps motivate them to continue doing their best—it's unlikely they will be happy or successful for long without it.
6. Liberated
Feeling liberated means you’ve broken free from obligations or stress-inducing situations that limit your possibilities: debts, untreated health problems, traumatic memories, toxic relationships, a dead-end job, abandoned projects … basically, anything that you’ve left undone or unresolved for an extended period.
When you finally get closure from these issues, the sense of relief you’ll feel will be re-energizing. You’ll gain a new lease on life now that you’re finally free to determine your own destiny.
Which personality types can benefit?
INTJs, ENTPs, ISFPs and ISTPs are among the types that feel most burdened by rules, obligations, bureaucracy and constraints. The quicker they can address these issues, the more rapidly they will move towards happiness.
7. Sense of purpose
Having a sense of purpose creates a unifying context for all your thoughts and actions. It gives you meaning and a direction to all aspects of your life, from the career you choose to the way you spend your free time (and who you choose to spend it with). It helps you work through the painful moments in life, and helps you see that they are lessons rather than setbacks.
However much you value happiness, it will be difficult to achieve if you have no sense of purpose. In fact, you may rely on 'happiness' as a type of escape, where you're constantly chasing after the next fleeting pleasure, rather than building a meaningful life.
Which personality types can benefit?
Those who struggle with long-term planning, or to those who have difficulty following through on their plans once they make them may benefit from having a clear purpose in life. This includes the more impulsive personalities, ESTPs, ESFPs, INTPs, ENTPs and ENFPs. However, everyone can benefit from having a sense of purpose—it's what gives us the motivation to reach our fullest potential.