5 ENTJ Personality Traits You Can Borrow, To Be 100% Fearless at Work
Everyone knows an ENTJ at work. They’re the ones who ooze competence and authority. While the rest of us get sweaty-palmed and twitchy when we’re asked to try something new, Commanders step up and tackle the challenge head on. They’re the last people you would expect to be afraid – which is one of the reasons why they’re so successful in the workplace.
Because confidence at work leads to raises, promotions and a winning reputation, it’s worth exploring some ways you too can become fearless on the job. Here are 5 ENTJ behaviors you can easily copy, to boost your bodaciousness at work.
1. See others as equals
ENTJs are not swayed by something as petty as a job title – they see all people as equals. These types are not in awe of others simply because they hold a higher position or rank. Rather, they judge people based purely on the talent they bring to the table.
What this means, is that speaking to higher-ups does not phase ENTJs one little bit. They might look at their boss and see someone who can influence their future career prospects – they’re not blind to power structures. But, for ENTJs, rank is a distraction. These types are ruthlessly dedicated to efficiency, and would much rather consider how this person can help them get the job done!
For other types, then, the takeaway is to stop looking at your boss like they’re some kind of special being. Stop trying to get on their good side. Stop caring what they think of you personally. Start believing that work is a place of meritocracy, and impress those around you by doing an amazing job.
2. Own your mistakes
Sometimes, we think that being fearless means showing courage in the outside world. But actually, it has lot to do with how you handle setbacks on the inside. Being courageous means you can admit when you were wrong – and being ready and willing to own up to those mistakes and learn from them.
Just like the rest of us, ENTJs don’t like being told they are wrong. They’re prideful people. They put a lot of conscious effort into the decisions they make, and they want the decision to be right.
At the same time, ENTJs understand that no one is perfect and mistakes are bound to happen. They can separate the work they do from the person they are, and they don’t allow slip ups to whittle away at their self-esteem. This mindset means that ENTJs will not play the blame game or treat a genuine human error as a catastrophe. They certainly will not allow their mistakes to hold them back. Instead, they’ll analyze what went wrong and come up with a plan of action to get things right the next time.
Other personality types – INFP, ESFJ, ENFJ for example – are much more concerned with what people think about them and are much more vulnerable to criticism. These types can be their own worst enemies, in the sense that they take every criticism and failing personally rather than as inspiration to do things better.
But if you own your mistakes on the inside, and separate them from your self-esteem, you’ll be ready to fearlessly face anything the boss decides to throw at you.
3. Don’t be a doormat
ENTJs trust their abilities and are not exactly plagued by self-doubt. Other types are much less self-confident, and that’s okay. Being fearless at work is not so much about feeling confident, as it is about projecting confidence. And one way to do that is to say ‘no’ when you’re up to your ears in projects and you can’t take on more work.
Some types will feel really anxious when saying ‘no’ to a boss or coworker. Feelers generally struggle with this more than Thinkers, although some dutiful types like ISTJs will also have a really tough time saying ‘no.’ But there’s no need to be rude about it – you can communicate your feelings in a way that is kind to others and feels authentic to you.
The trick is to not apologize for standing up for yourself, even if every bone in your body is screaming, “I must say yes, or I’ll be letting my boss or a coworker down!” For instance, you could say to your boss, “Thank you for thinking of me for this project, but I’m currently working on X, Y and Z. I could make space for this project once my current projects are finished, but it might be better to ask someone who has a little more bandwidth.”
If you’re someone who usually just nods and takes the pain at work, saying ‘no’ is going to feel uncomfortable. But being realistic about what you can and can’t achieve is a big part of being fearless. It shows that you’re in control of your goals
4. Ask for what you need
ENTJs are not afraid of making their opinions known. If they want something, they tend to ask for it. A need is just that – a need. Once it is satisfied, people can get on with their jobs and get the project finished on time.
What ENTJs don’t do, is second guess how the other person may interpret their request. What’s the worst that can happen? The other person says “No, I won’t do that” or “Sorry, I can’t help.” Rejection is water off a duck’s back to an ENTJ, who understands that they are in no worse a position than if they hadn’t asked in the first place.
Other types will often avoid asking for help or putting in requests for things they want because they’re worried about how the other person will respond. If you’re constantly keeping quiet about your own needs in case you upset someone, then it could be time to channel your inner ENTJ!
Here’s the thing: asking for the things you need comes across as confident, even if someone gets worked up at your request. Someone is always going to get defensive at some point – you can’t please everyone. ENTJs manage to ask for what they need by checking their emotions at the door, and thinking only in terms of the efficiency of the project. Focus on being solution-oriented, and tell people what you need to work productively without second-guessing yourself.
5. Challenge yourself
Rather than finding new challenges taxing, ENTJs are energized by them. These types are relentlessly energetic, and they genuinely enjoy taking on new challenges and helping their teams implement their projects and goals. To an ENTJ, nothing is quite as satisfying as leaping over obstacles in their race to the finish line!
When you’re not as confident about stepping out of the comfort zone, you’ll need to make a conscious effort to challenge yourself. Tell yourself that this week or this month, you’re going to step on every ball. You’re going to actively seek out new situations and challenges instead of hanging back by the baseline. You’re going to be brave and go for it!
Ultimately, creating the work you love will take some courage. I’m not talking about the “faking it ‘til you make it” type of courage either, but learning the small strategies that will help you undo old habits and take the first step into fearlessness in the workplace. You won’t become an ENTJ – why would you want to? – but you will become someone brave. And whole new work horizons will open up to you as if by magic.