A woman holding a phone looking upset.

Picture this. You wake up one morning and look at your phone. Only, something’s different from usual. Instead of a few email and text notifications, you’ve got thousands of messages pouring in. Suddenly, you realize why. Word’s got out about something you’ve done. Something you’ve said. Something you’ve shared. 

And the internet is not happy. 

Yep—you’ve been canceled. Here’s why, based on your personality type

ENTP: You pushed too far

You have a brilliant talent for seeing all sides of an argument, ENTP, and you love to push people about their opinions. Except, this time, you took it too far. Instead of realizing the person you spoke to felt hurt by your endless provocations, you kept on asking questions and got borderline argumentative. Now, they’re canceling you for being insensitive. 

ENTJ: You were way too stubborn 

It was time to settle on a plan and, after weighing out the pros and cons, you became resolute on the best route forward. But the people around you weren’t so sure. They gave other ideas and suggestions—all of which you refused to listen to, ENTJ, thinking that was that. So your colleagues decided to get your attention another way: by taking to the internet and calling in the cancel brigade. 

INTP: You said it as it is 

Honesty is one of your greatest strengths, INTP, but it’s also the reason you got canceled. A friend came to you with an emotional problem and, instead of listening empathetically and practicing compassion, you highlighted everything that they did wrong and what you think they should do now to fix things. Sure, your intentions were good, but the delivery was too blunt and direct. Time to work on those emotional intelligence skills.

INTJ: They caught you rolling your eyes

In your lifelong pursuit for knowledge and self-improvement, you have little time for people who are overly dramatic, sensitive or obnoxious, INTJ. Let’s face it. These individuals make you want to roll your eyes, in secret of course. But this time, you actually did the lethal INTJ eye roll. In front of someone who went ahead and tweeted about your arrogance. Now, the tide of cancel culture has claimed another victim.

INFP: You dreamed instead of doing 

Sometimes, your inner world is so exciting that you lose touch with the real one. While having a rich imagination is wonderful, INFP, it’s not so great when people in the real world need your help to get things done. You kept saying you’d get to it, that you’d do it tomorrow…but you never did, do you? Instead, you procrastinated, and the people who depended on you are so over waiting for your help. 

INFJ: You canceled them first! 

Heard of the infamous INFJ door slam? When someone crosses a line, you don’t bother confronting the issue—you go cold. Trouble is, the person you slammed the door on doesn’t understand why. And now they’ve taken offense at your offense, and are spreading the word that you’ve frozen them out. 

ENFP: You tried to please everyone

Good natured and kind hearted, you want to make everyone in your life happy ENFP. Aww. But this time, you stretched yourself too thin. You agreed to too many invites in too many different places, and then felt so overwhelmed that you couldn’t go to anything. Now, none of your friends are happy and the invites have stopped stone-cold—a bit like your reputation.  

ENFJ: You got tunnel vision

You have ambitions to make the world a better place, ENFJ, and you're determined to make your dreams a reality. While noble, your dreams can also lead to tunnel vision, where you become so hyper focused on the big picture that you neglect your immediate circle. And that’s exactly why you got canceled. Even though you’re trying to serve a greater purpose, you forgot about the important role you play in your friends’ lives—and now they’re offended. 

ESFJ: You got caught gossiping 

With your warm nature and excellent social skills, it’s no wonder you’re so popular, ESFJ! There’s just one problem. Your plenty of friends tell you plenty of secrets. You didn’t mean to gossip and spill a confidential matter with people who weren’t supposed to know. But it’s happened, and the person whose secret you told is on the warpath. Ouch.

ESFP: You lept before you looked

In the pursuit of fun and adventure, you embrace new experiences with open arms and take your friends along with you. However, you didn’t dot the i’s and cross the t’s with this one, did you ESFP? So the whole experience became expensive and even a little dangerous. Instead of being viewed as spontaneous and care-free, you’re canceled for coming across as impulsive and reckless. 

ISFJ: You boiled over 

As a supportive yet private person, ISFJ, you often find yourself listening to others' problems instead of sharing your own. But over the last few months, someone’s behavior has been making you feel angry and upset. You let those feelings fester until they boiled over. All your pent up feelings came out in an unexpected outburst, and they’ve canceled you for your uncharacteristic explosion of rage. 

ISFP: You took offense where none was intended 

You’re an artistic soul with deeply held values, ISFP. While your emotional sensitivity is a beautiful trait, it can also get you into trouble when you regard an innocent comment as a slight. In this instance, you got canceled because you took something impersonal completely personally, making the people around you feel shocked and confused by your sudden change in mood. 

ISTP: You bailed one too many times 

ISTP, as a true free spirit, you hate to be bogged down by bureaucracy, rules and plans. Sometimes, you say ‘yes’ to something and then you change your mind. You don’t see the problem with it, but the people around you have gotten frustrated, and canceled you for being too flakey.  

ISTJ: You just had to be right  

You’re a highly knowledgeable person who bases all of your decisions on well-researched facts. Only this time, your facts led you down the wrong road. Being wrong isn’t so bad in itself, ISTJ, but your reaction was. Instead of holding your hands up and admitting fault, you kept circling back to your initial ideas and explaining why things should’ve worked. You got canceled for being So. Darn. Inflexible. 

ESTJ: You went into control freak mode 

When things start to go awry, you’re not someone to sit back and watch the ship sink are you, ESTJ? You’re happy to take the lead. In fact, you relish it. However, leading is different from bossing. And, unfortunately, your behavior fell into the latter category in this instance. Now, you’ve been canceled for acting like a control freak, even though you were just trying to help. 

ESTP: You burned too many bridges 

Bold, charismatic and adventurous, you know that life is for living ESTP. Inevitably, that means you find it hard to stay in one place for too long, especially if the environment doesn’t offer you enough excitement, progress and novelty. Unfortunately, though, hopping like a frog from lilypad to lilypad has got you canceled. Word has got out that you’re a serial quitter, and now it’s all over the internet that you’re unreliable.

Hannah Pisani
Hannah Pisani is a freelance writer based in London, England. A type 9 INFP, she is passionate about harnessing the power of personality theory to better understand herself and the people around her - and wants to help others do the same. When she's not writing articles, you'll find her composing songs at the piano, advocating for people with learning difficulties, or at the pub with friends and a bottle (or two) of rose.