Kindred Spirits
People of the following types are more likely than most to share the ENTP’s values, interests, and general approach to life. They won’t necessarily agree on everything, and there’s no guarantee they’ll always get along, but they’re more likely to feel an easy rapport and have plenty of things in common.
Intriguing Differences
People of the following types are likely to strike the ENTP as similar in character, but with some key differences which may make them seem especially intriguing. The ENTP may find people of these types particularly interesting and attractive to get to know. Relationships between ENTPs and these types should have a good balance of commonalities and opportunities to challenge one another.
Potential Complements
ENTPs may not feel an immediate connection with people of the following types, but on getting to know each other, they’ll likely find they have some important things in common, as well as some things to teach one other. Although people of these types may not attract the ENTP initially, their relationships present a lot of potential to complement and learn from one other.
Challenging Opposites
People of the following types present the most potential for personality clash and conflict with the ENTP, but also the best opportunities for growth. Because people of these types have fundamentally different values and motivations from the ENTP’s, initially, it may seem impossible to relate. But because they are so different, their strengths are the ENTP’s weaknesses, and if they are able to develop a relationship, they can learn a tremendous amount from each other.