
Looking for the best personality test? Based on Myers and Briggs' 16 types, Truity's TypeFinder personality test is the highest rated personality type test available online, with an average customer rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. Truity's TypeFinder test meets the highest standards for accuracy, with millions users contributing to our dataset and an extensive history of research into reliability and validity. You can read more in our TypeFinder Technical Documentation.

Read what our customers had to say about their experience!


February 25, 2018 - 7:08am
by Andrew Bolton
Fascinating insights. I'd looked at MBTI before and from reading broad outlines, assumed I was an ISTJ. Actually got INTJ in this test, and then the sub-categories in the report explained well the particular traits that lead to that. There was a lot of "yeah, that sounds spot on" when reading how and why I behave the way I do. Some good tips on a bit of introspection to work on areas where I could improve my work and personal relationships. Very interesting indeed!
February 24, 2018 - 7:13pm
by Travis
This was spot on! I definitely thought this was great.
February 24, 2018 - 3:19pm
by AlwaysWondering
I am surprisingly very happy with my results. I was reluctant to pay the fee but I wanted a legit explanation and this is what I was looking for. The test results have explained more about myself then most of the free tests could. I recommend paying the fee if you're seriously interested in MBTI.
February 24, 2018 - 9:30am
by Denise
I’ve done these tests before at work, but it has been quite some time so when I saw some pins on Pinterest regarding personality type I became curious again as I have been struggling for some definition and meaning around some current life struggles. Taking the test and purchasing a report has given me some insights into why I think, do, or feel the way I do. I am hoping it will be something that can assist me as I work through some of my next stages in life. [no pressure there at all]
February 23, 2018 - 8:41pm
by Rada
Really insightful
February 23, 2018 - 1:38pm
by Loretta
I felt all of the information was spot on for me and it helped me pinpoint some areas of myself I wasn’t sure how to describe. I really loved all the information. Very helpful.
February 23, 2018 - 6:14am
by Shannon
More drtailed than other tests. Useful insights that built on what I already knew.
February 22, 2018 - 10:49am
by Ray B.
In all tests my result was an INxP. I could never really figure out if I was an INTP or INFP. Although ultimately it shifts a bit more to INTP, this test gave me an insight as to what aspects are more on the thinking and which are more on the feeling side. I'm more objective than subjective, but I'm also more tolerant than tough. The rest of the results are on the borderline, which is good to see.

What I also found interesting is that I'm also 100% insightful, which is funny because I'm always telling people that 'the why' is important.

Ultimately, I like the details given. How much you do with it is up to you. The reason I'm not giving it 5 stars is that I would have liked an option to save it as a .pdf-file, considering the $29 cost of the report.
February 21, 2018 - 8:48am
by Rachelli Fisch
Super helpful!
February 20, 2018 - 5:21pm
by Fer
Insightful, offers different areas of evaluation, compared to other personality type tests.

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