The Best Side Hustle Based on Your Enneagram Type
If there’s one thing the pandemic has taught us, it is that things can change really quickly, and it’s good to have lots of options. Whether you’re unemployed, fully employed or designing a portfolio career strategy for yourself, a side hustle is always a smart move. These part-time jobs can often blossom into meaningful revenue streams and bring you career advancement in ways you never imagined.
Everyone can’t be good at everything and to make sure your side hustle doesn’t become a side hassle, it’s best to focus on your strengths. Below we offer you the best part-time gig for each Enneagram type:
Type 1: Teach Online
You, Type 1, love telling people how to do things so why not make some money at it? Live online tutoring or consulting over Zoom or Skype will feed your need to improve the world while offering you a revenue stream at the same time. The sky's the limit, and with a global population, you’ll find your audience. Not sure what you can teach? Ask your friends. You might not be able to see your talents, but trust me, they can. If you are completely stuck for ideas, consider teaching conversational language lessons for your native tongue. Check out for ideas.
Type 2: Offer Caregiving Services
You naturally support other people and the truth is, you’re gifted at it. The good news is that as a side hustle, you can provide caregiving in a scheduled way that doesn't leave you exhausted. Offer your services through sites like and to make your side hustle a revenue stream as fast as possible. Childcare, eldercare, pet care, you’ll have lots of options to monetize your strengths. And knowing you, Type 2, you’ll probably make some friends along the way.
Type 3: Start a YouTube Channel
Video is the name of the game for you, our inspirational, image-conscious Type 3. You’ve probably got a message for the world: how to overcome your blocks, how to be a better person, tips to achieving your goals. All that stuff you were doing in person, you can now do on video. You will likely nail video production because you tend to be polished and professional in all you do. And while it might take some time to find your niche and grow your audience, YouTube is one of the best passive income revenue streams you’ll find. But you probably already know that.
Type 4: Open a Store on Etsy
You’ve got lots of creative ideas swirling around in your head so why not focus a bit and make some money from them. Your job, our creative Type 4, is to find an authentic manifestation of yourself that no one else is offering and put it on Etsy. Painting, clothing, ceramics, or something more abstract? You’ll find your thing and have a way to manifest your creativity, with a low-risk storefront to boot. People love buying from Etsy because it supports independent sellers, and they will love supporting you.
Type 5: Create an Online Course
You’ve been studying your favorite topic for so long you’ve probably become an expert without even realizing it. Now is your chance to create an online course of all you’ve learned and offer it to the world. More than ever, online courses are gaining popularity, and you’ll have lots of platforms to choose from like Udemy and Skillshare. And you, our very private Type 5, get to teach in your favorite way with no direct student contact required.
Type 6: Become a Mystery Shopper
You, our risk-conscious Type 6, love reporting potential problems anyway so your side hustle is to monetize this tendency by becoming a mystery shopper. Buy in secret, document your experience, and help retail businesses improve. There are in-person and online options here so you’ll have lots of ways to make this fit into your life. Check out BARE and Secret Shopper to get started.
Type 7: Start Your Own Blog
You, our joyful Type 7, have ideas flowing through your mind 24/7, and your curious, upbeat attitude makes you a natural for the blogging world. Feature lifestyle recommendations and new product reviews of all those things you’re already experimenting with, add a few embedded affiliate links, and you’ll start earning money before you know it. Sites like Mailchimp and GoDaddy can help you get started. Find a niche, stay focused, and don’t get discouraged. These things often start small and then build up. That’s why they are side hustles.
Type 8: Become a Freelance Writer
It goes without saying that you, our power-focused Type 8, will be better as your own boss, so why not become a freelance writer and get paid all of those strong opinions you have? Find your speciality – maybe history, politics, or investigative journalism. Think of what you already like to debate on and write about that. Sites like Freedom With Writing will send you a weekly email of paid writing opportunities so get started and sign up now.
Type 9: Post Your Services On a Task Platform
You, our agreeable Type 9, feel like you are intruding even when you aren’t so hustling doesn’t always come naturally to you. Make your side job easy by signing up to a job platform where people come to you. Taskrabbit and Fiverr are good places to start since you won’t need to do a lot of marketing, and you can set the terms of your employment. These sites offer wide ranging jobs from graphic design to assembling furniture. Because you are other-focused, you’ll enjoy supporting other people’s initiatives.
Side hustles are an amazing thing when they harness our strengths. They usually start small but sometimes take you to places you never imagined. Your blog takes off, and you become a brand. Your YouTube channel gains a following and now you have a megaphone for your message. Or you just help someone out, but it changes their life completely. You never know where these side gigs will take you. The important thing is to take that first step and just get started.