The INTP at Work
At work, the INTP is motivated to solve complex problems in an original, innovative way. Architects want to analyze systems and ideas thoroughly to create deep understanding, and enjoy designing creative solutions to highly abstract problems.
INTPs rarely have much interest in organizational traditions, preferring to forge their own path to innovation. They hate being limited by bureaucracy and rules, and are often more in tune with the theoretical soundness of their ideas than they are with the practical applications. They typically prefer to focus on creating the idea, and to leave the tedious details of implementation to someone else.
INTPs work best independently or with a small team of colleagues that they perceive as smart, competent, and logical. They quickly tire of colleagues who are aggressive or overbearing, and can be dismissive of people who aren't as clever as themselves.
An ideal organization for an INTP is flexible and non-traditional, and values ingenuity over conformity. An ideal job for an INTP allows them to address complex theoretical or technical problems with creative, novel solutions.
INTP Career Stats
- More likely than average to be self-employed
- Less likely than average to be a stay-at-home parent
- Showed one of the smallest gender wage gaps, with female INTPs earning 88% of male INTPs’ salary
The INTP on a Team
The INTP as a Leader
Top Careers for the INTP
INTPs are first and foremost thinkers, and this quality can be seen in their choice of careers. Although INTPs can be found in various fields, a happy and satisfied INTP is invariably found in a career that allows them to use their intellect, analyze concepts, and think deeply.
INTPs have an innovative nature and are often drawn to cutting-edge fields such as technology, engineering, and the sciences. Although INTPs overall are a rare breed, visit an area like California's Silicon Valley or a tech company like Google or Apple, and you'll find that nearly every other person seems to be an INTP. This type naturally thrives in the challenging, unpredictable world of tech.
Many INTPs are creative and seek an artistic bent in their career. INTPs are particularly drawn to artistic fields with a touch of science or technology, for instance, architecture or graphic design.
Although INTPs typically prefer careers that have them working with ideas more than people, a contingent of INTPs consider human problems the ultimate frontier of intellectual inquiry. Thus, you find some INTPs in careers that allow them to study the human experience, including psychology and other social sciences.
Top careers for the INTP include:
Technology is a highly attractive field for INTPs, and many INTPs are drawn to computers from a very young age. Even INTPs who do not work in tech fields typically nurse an interest in computers on the side. Working with technology allows INTPs to exercise their reasoning skills in perfect concert with their creativity and desire to experiment and innovate. Some INTPs even say they understand computers better than they understand other people!
Most any career in computers or technology can be considered a possibility for the INTP, but some sample tech careers for INTPs include:
- Computer Network Architect
- Computer or Information Research Scientist
- Computer Programmer
- Computer Systems Analyst
- Network or Computer Systems Administrator
- Software Developer
Engineering careers are a good fit for the logical, analytical thinking style of the INTP. They particularly enjoy engineering fields that allow them to exercise a measure of creativity in their work. Some sample engineering careers for INTPs include:
- Aerospace Engineer
- Architect
- Biomedical Engineer
- Chemical Engineer
- Computer Hardware Engineer
- Environmental Engineer
- Landscape Architect
- Mechanical Engineer
- Mechanical Engineering Technician
Scientific careers are a natural choice for INTPs. They enjoy all aspects of the sciences: the opportunity to build specialized knowledge in their field of choice; the ability to focus at length on complex, abstract ideas; and most of all, the exploratory process of scientific experimentation. Some sample science careers for INTPs include:
- Anthropologist or Archaeologist
- Economist
- Environmental Scientist
- Epidemiologist
- Medical Scientist
- Microbiologist
- Physicist or Astronomer
- Political Scientist
- Psychologist
- Urban or Regional Planner
- Mathematician
- Statistician
- Physician or Surgeon
Business and Law
Both business and law careers can make good use of the INTP's analytical instincts. Good business careers for INTPs often stimulate their interest in complex theories, including advanced mathematics. Some sample business and law careers for INTPs include:
- Accountant or Auditor
- Financial Analyst
- Management Consultant
- Market Research Analyst
- Top Executive
- Actuary
- Lawyer
- Sales Engineer
Arts and Language
Some INTPs focus on their creative instincts with a career in the arts. Typically, though, even an INTP working in an artistic field finds a way to use their analytical side in their work. Some sample artistic careers for INTPs include:
INTP Careers to Avoid
It is important to note that any personality type can be successful in any occupation. However, some occupations are well suited to the natural talents and preferred work style of the INTP, while other occupations demand modes of thinking and behavior that do not come as naturally to this type. Occupations that require the INTP to operate outside their natural preferences may prove stressful or draining, and often sound unappealing to Architects who are choosing a career.
The following occupations have been found to be unpopular among INTPs, based on data gathered from surveys of the general population.