The Mastermind
The INTJ personality type is Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, and Judging, which means they are energized by time alone, focused on big picture ideas and concepts, led by logic and reason, and organized. This combination of personality preferences produces people who are analytical, innovative, and strategic. INTJs are comfortable with reason and problem-solving, and they enjoy applying themselves to projects that will increase efficiency. Though they tend to be more reserved, they are curious about the world around them and come to life in an environment of intellectual challenge and discussion.

The INTJ at Work

At work, the INTJ excels at creating and implementing innovative solutions to analytical problems. They naturally see possibilities for improvement within complex systems and are organized and determined in implementing their ideas for change. INTJs are comfortable with abstraction and theory but gain the most satisfaction from turning their ideas into reality. They often enjoy working independently or with a small team, taking measured, strategic steps to implement change. INTJs enjoy working with logical systems that they can understand in depth. They enjoy the challenge of comprehending complex ideas, and want to understand how they can improve the way things work. The ideal work environment for an INTJ is logical, efficient, structured, and analytical, with colleagues that are competent, intelligent, and productive. The ideal job for a Mastermind allows them to use their analytical skills to problem-solve in a challenging environment, and to take responsibility for implementing their ideas to create efficient, innovative systems.

INTJ Career Stats

The INTJ on a Team

INTJs are analytical team members who focus on strategy. They are often perceptive about systems and how to improve them. They are thoughtful and clear in their analysis, and good at defining team goals. They are capable of synthesizing ideas of some complexity, and often see clearly to a unifying plan of action. INTJs take a characteristically critical approach, and analyze ideas and proposals with a detached, objective logic. They want to be free to make improvements to existing systems, and do best on a team where change is favored. INTJs are open to ideas, and will consider the perspectives of the team members with an even-handed approach. However, they are firm and clear in their logical analysis, and have little patience for nonsense. They are unlikely to offer support or assurance to teammates who they don’t perceive as useful contributors. They are persuasive in their reasoning and often get teammates on board based on the clarity of their ideas. However, they may have friction with team members who have a focus on relationships; the Mastermind seeks a free exchange of ideas, not a personal connection.

The INTJ as a Leader

In leadership positions, INTJs are strategic, analytical planners and problem solvers. They are good at making tough decisions and sorting out complex issues. Masterminds excel at managing projects that implement a vision of improved efficiency or innovation, and although they usually prefer not to have to manage other people, they will take over if no other leader steps up. As leaders, they are democratic and hands-off: they generally prefer to share the overall goal and let their reports determine exactly how to complete their work. INTJs value competence and decisiveness, and may sometimes neglect to listen to differing opinions once their mind is made up. While they focus on creating logical and innovative solutions, they may sometimes leave out the details of their plans, leaving their teams to wonder exactly how things will be accomplished.

Top Careers for the INTJ

INTJs are best suited to careers that allow them to use logical, orderly reasoning to solve interesting problems. Although they are often drawn to STEM fields, INTJs can also be found in business or even the arts. However, the common theme for satisfied INTJs is that they must be in a career that provides an intellectual challenge.

Top careers for the INTJ include:

Business, Finance, and Math

Architecture and Engineering


Science and Health Care

Computers and Information Technology

Arts, Design, and Communications

INTJ Careers to Avoid

It is important to note that any personality type can be successful in any occupation. However, some occupations are well suited to the natural talents and preferred work style of the INTJ, while other occupations demand modes of thinking and behavior that do not come as naturally to this type. Occupations that require the Mastermind to operate outside their natural preferences may prove stressful or draining, and often sound unappealing to INTJs who are choosing a career.

The following occupations have been found to be unpopular among INTJs, based on data gathered from surveys of the general population.

  • Teacher's Aide
  • Preschool Teacher
  • Home Health Aide
  • Production Worker
  • Advertising Sales Agent