How to Get Through This Election Year, Based on Your Enneagram Type
With more voters than ever in the history of the world heading to the polls, 2024 isn’t just an election year — it is THE election year.
64 countries are holding national elections, representing a combined population of almost 50% of the globe. But it isn’t the sheer number of voters that makes this year intense. Studies show that voters are more emotionally polarized than ever before, meaning they just don’t like members of the other party.
This emotional polarization is creating a cauldron of negative emotions that hangs over our heads like a dark cloud. That’s the bad news. The good news is that the Enneagram gives us tools and tips for how to navigate these stormy skies so we can see the sun again. Below we offer you how to get through this election year, based on your Enneagram type.
Type One: Consider Both Sides
Type Ones have a wonderful sense of right and wrong, but also a tendency to lapse into black-and-white thinking. In this election year, that black-and-white thinking can make you prone to anger and frustration when others don’t see things your way. Stretch yourself to try to understand the opposite point of view. You don’t need to agree, but seeking to understand can help moderate some of the negative emotions.
To really stretch beyond your current perspective, try reading the news sources favored by the opposing party. You’re not going to agree, but at least you’ll understand what the opposition is saying. And when you’ve got a clear picture of both sides, you can do what you do best — organize practical solutions to increase voter awareness. Your superpower is action-oriented solutions, and this year gives you lots of opportunities to solve tangible problems.
Type Two: Set Ground Rules
You’ve read that “democracy is under attack,” but as a Type Two you may feel more like your relationships are under attack due to this intense political environment. You used to love family get-togethers, but now they’ve become a source of stress.
To maintain your own sense of sanity, consider setting ground rules around political discussions. Your superpower is connection, and political polarization doesn’t need to be part of the 4th of July family BBQ or your son’s graduation party. You are at your best when you establish clear boundaries so let this election year be a personal growth opportunity for you.
Type Three: Keep a Lower Public Profile
Image is important to you so you might have already posted your candidate’s lawn sign outside your front door or their bumper sticker on your car. No one is telling you not to support your party but be careful not to go overboard. Not everyone aligns around your politics, and you might be creating agitation without realizing it.
Appearances will always be important to you, Type Three. But keeping a lower profile around your politics would go a long way in 2024. You are at your best when you are community focused, and your superpower is the gift of motivation. So, if you want to help your candidate get elected, become a campaign volunteer. With your focus on success, your efforts here might make a real difference.
Type Four: Find an Outlet for Your Emotions
Your emotions are intense to begin with, Type Four, and this election period is like throwing gas on the fire. From despair to elation, you will feel and have the right to feel your full emotions. But to survive this year, you need to find a way to release them so take that intensity and channel it into something productive.
Create music, art, poetry or simply write a journal to get your feelings out of your mind, heart and body. Those emotions have to go somewhere or you run the risk of getting lost in a swamp of pain. Your superpower is your emotional sensitivity, so use that skill to express what the rest of us are thinking but don’t know how to say.
Type Five: Explore the Impact of Feelings
As a Type Five, it infuriates you that people can’t stick to the facts during this election season — but getting frustrated isn’t going to solve anything. It may be true that your candidate objectively has the best statistics in terms of successful programs and a consistent voting record, but try to understand that other people vote based on their feelings.
Use your sharp research skills to learn the facts about why people vote for emotional reasons. You are at your best when you understand what’s going on and, even if it isn’t logical, you’ll appreciate learning about the powerful world of emotion. Your superpower is rational, clear thought and deep focus, so help us understand why not all of us are acting rationally.
Type Six: Overcome Fear With Action
Your Type Six superpower is planning for what could go wrong. So, while your mind is focused on the day after the election and how you’ll probably need to leave the country, try to stay connected to the present moment. We appreciate that you’ve thoroughly researched which countries will offer you long-term residency, but if you aren’t careful, this whole year will be a throw-away due to escape planning.
Instead, take more immediate actions to help create the future you want. Pound the payment (or the phone bank) to help influence the outcome you actually desire. You are at your best when you act from a place of courage, not fear. No one knows what is going to happen but trust your ability to handle any outcome.
Type Seven: Balance Positivity with Pragmatism
Type Seven’s superpower is positive thinking, but it can border on denial. Your subconscious strategy to ignore the fact that there is dissension and disagreement around these elections is not actually the best approach. Rather than planning a victory party, try to sit with the fact your candidate might lose.
You don’t need to dwell in that space but at least think it all the way through. And then use the possibility of a negative outcome to rally support through community outreach. You’ve got the energy for it, and you might even change some voters’ minds. You are at your best when your thinking is balanced and that includes considering negative outcomes.
Type Eight: Lead with Purpose, Not Anger
I’m not going to lie — this is going to be a tough year for Type Eights. Even if your candidate wins, your blood is going to boil for most of these pre-election months. We love your leadership ability but resist the urge to try to educate “those idiots” by sharing your opinion in ALL CAPS in the comments section of the political articles you read. You aren’t swaying anyone’s opinion by doing that — you are just widening the cyberspace gap.
Instead, do what you do best and take practical, direct, in-person action. Organize a voter registration initiative or lend your superb leadership skills to a group that needs manpower. Your intensity is your superpower when you point it to the right things.
Type Nine: Embrace Your Role as Peacemaker
If there were ever a time we needed your Type Nine superpower of harmony, it is now. You alone may be the one who can reach across the aisle and remind us of our shared values and goals.
The conflict that surrounds you might be troubling but don’t shrink away. 2024 is your year of growth so step into your power and show us why you are considered the most powerful type in the Enneagram. Speak up and be seen. Don’t leave the room when the discussion gets heated. Instead, stay engaged and help us see what we do have in common.
In Summary
If you look at it the right way, 2024 doesn't have to be a year of fear, anger and division. Instead, it can be a time of growth and self-discovery for each Enneagram type.
And since it does promise to be an intense period, this might also be the year to explore the best meditation for your Enneagram type. There might not be a lot of outer peace in the world, but you can cultivate your own inner peace to get through this election year.